The Lysosome Group - Publications

Major achievements are marked with an asterisk

Pagliero RJ, D'Astolfo DS, Lelieveld D, Pratiwi DR, Aits S, Jäättelä M, Martin N, Liskamp R, Klumperman J, Egan DA. Discovery of small molecules that induce lysosomal cell death in cancer cells using a phenotypic screening platform.  Assay Drug Dev Tech in press, 2016 

Hernández-Tiedra S, FabriàsG, Salanueva IJ, Casas J, Dávila D, Montes LR, Antón Z, García-Taboada E, Salazar M, Lorente M, Nylandsted J, Armstrong J, López-Valero I, McKee CS, García-López R, Serrano A, Abad JL, Hanada K, Goñi FM, Guzmán M, Lovat P, Jäättelä M, Alonso A, Velasco G. Dihydroceramide accumulation mediates cytotoxic autophagy of cancer cells via autophago-lysosome destabilization. Autophagy in press, 2016 

*Kirkegaard T, Gray J, Priestman DA, Wallom K-L, Atkins J, Olsen OD, Klein A, Drndarski S, Ingemann L, Bornæs C, Jørgensen SH, Williams I, Hindsby A, Arenz C, Begley D, Jäättelä M*, Platt F*. Heat shock protein-based therapies as clinical candidates for lysosomal storage disorders. Science Transl Med 8:355ra118, 2016 doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aad9823. *These authors share senior authorship 

*Ellegaard AM, Dehlendorff C, Vind AC, Anand A, Cederkvist L, Petersen NHT, Nylandsted J, Stenvang J, Mellemgaard A, Østerlind K, Friis S, Jäättelä M. Repurposing cationic amphiphilic antihistamines for cancer treatment. EBioMedicine 9:130-139, 2016 doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.06.013 

Hämälistö S, Jäättelä M. Lysosomal signaling in cancer - living on the edge. Curr Opin Cell Biol 39:69-76, 2016 doi: 10.1016/ 

Baude A, Aaes TL, Zhai B, Al-Nakouzi N, Oo HZ, Daugaard M, Rohde M, Jäättelä M. Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 and pogo transposable element with ZNF domain promote DNA repair by homologous recombination. Nucl Acids Res 44:2214-2226, 2016 

Kallunki T, Jäättelä M. Lysosomes and Cancer. In Lysosomes, basic mechanisms and roles in disease and drug development. Eds. F.R. Maxfield, J.M. Willard and S. Lu. John Wiley & Sons, in press 2016 

Aits S, Jäättelä M, Nylandsted J. Methods for the quantification of lysosomal membrane permeabilization: A hallmark of lysosomal cell death. Methods Cell Biol 126:261–285, 2015 

*Aits S, Kricker J, Liu B, Ellegaard A-M, Hämälistö S, Tvingsholm S, Corcelle-Termeau E, Høgh S, Farkas T, Jonassen AH, Gromova I, Mortensen M, Jäättelä M. Sensitive detection of lysosomal membrane permeabilization by lysosomal galectin puncta assay. Autophagy 11:1408-1424, 2015 

Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Methods for Probing Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization. In Cell Death Techniques – A laboratory Manual. Eds. R. Johnstone and J. Silke. Cold Spring Habor Laboratory Press. Pp. 205-208, 2015 

Jäättelä M, Nylandsted J. Quantification of lysosomal membrane permeabilization by cytosolic cathepsin and ß-N-Acetyl-glucosaminidase activity measurements. In Cell Death Techniques – A laboratory Manual. Eds. R. Johnstone and J. Silke. Cold Spring Habor Laboratory Press. Pp. 209-215, 2015 

Ellegaard AM, Jäättelä M, Nylandsted J. Visualizing lysosomal membrane permeabilization by fluorescent dextran release. In Cell Death Techniques – A laboratory Manual. Eds. R. Johnstone and J. Silke. Cold Spring Habor Laboratory Press. Pp. 216-219, 2015 

Groth-Pedersen L, Jäättelä M, Nylandsted J. A method to monitor lysosomal membrane permeabilization by immunocytochemistry. In Cell Death Techniques – A laboratory Manual. Eds. R. Johnstone and J. Silke. Cold Spring Habor Laboratory Press. Pp. 220-223, 2015 

Mahalka AK, Kirkegaard T, Jukola LT, Jäättelä M, Kinnunen PK. Human heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) as a peripheral membrane protein. BBA – Biomembranes 1838:1344-1362, 2014 

*Petersen NHT, Olsen OD, Groth-Pedersen L, Ellegaard AM, Bilgin, M, Redmer S, Ostenfeld MS, Ulanet D, Dovmark YH, Lønborg A, Vindeløv SD, Hanahan D, Arenz C, Ejsing CS, Kirkegaard T, Rohde M, Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Transformation-associated changes in sphingolipid metabolism sensitize cells to inhibitors of acid sphingomyelinase. Cancer Cell 24:379-393, 2013 

Ellegaard AM, Groth-Pedersen L, Oorschot V, Klumpermann J, Kirkegaard T, Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Sunitinib and SU11652 inhibit acid sphingomyelinase, destabilize lysosomes and inhibit multidrug resistance. Mol Cancer Ther 12:2018-2030, 2013 

Aits S, Jäättelä M. Lysosomal cell death at a glance. J Cell Sci 126:1905-1912, 2013 

Kallunki T, Olsen OD, Jäättelä M. Cancer-associated lysosomal changes: friends or foes? Oncogene 32:1995-2004, 2013 

Groth-Pedersen L, Jäättelä M. Combating apoptosis and multidrug resistant cancers by targeting lysosomes. Cancer Lett 332:265-274, 2013 

Mena S, Rodríguez ML, Ponsoda X, Estrela JM, Jäättelä M, Ortega AL. Pterostilbene-induced tumor cytotoxicity: a lysosomal membrane permeabilization-dependent mechanism. PLoS One 7:e44524, 2012 

*Daugaard M, Baude A, Fugger K, Povlsen LK, Beck H, Sørensen CS, Petersen, NHT, Sorensen P, Lukas C, Bartek J, Lukas J, Rohde M, Jäättelä M. LEDGF/p75 promotes DNA-end resection and homologous recombination. Nature Struct Mol Biol 19:803-810, 2012 

Groth-Pedersen L, Aits S, Corcelle-Termeau E, Petersen NHT, Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Identification of cytoskeleton-associated proteins controlling lysosomal stability and survival of cancer cells. PLoS One 7:e45381, 2012 

*Rafn B, Nielsen CF, Andersen SH, Szyniarowski P, Corcelle-Termeau E, Valo E, Fehrenbacher N, Olsen CJ, Daugaard M, Egebjerg C, Bøttzauw T, Kohonen P, Nylandsted J, Hautaniemi S, Moreira J, Jäättelä M*, Kallunki T*. ErbB2-driven breast cancer cell invasion depends on a complex signaling network activating myeloid zinc finger-1-dependent cathepsin B expression. Mol Cell 45:764-776, 2012 

Nylandsted J, Zimmermann AC, Bunkenborg J, Dengjel J, Andersen JA, Jäättelä M. ErbB2-Associated Changes in the Lysosomal Proteome. Proteomics 11:2830-2838, 2011 

*Kirkegaard T, Rothe A, Petersen NHT, Mahalka AK, Olsen OD, Moilander I, Zylicz A, Knudsen J, Sandhoff K, Kinnunen PKJ, Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Hsp70 stabilizes lysosomes and reverts Niemann-Pick disease-associated lysosomal pathology. Nature 463:549-553, 2010 

Petersen NHT, Kirkegaard T, Olsen OD, Jäättelä M. Connecting Hsp70, sphingolipid metabolism and lysosomal stability. Cell Cycle 9:2305-2309, 2010 

Rammer P, Groth-Pedersen L, Kirkegaard T, Daugaard M, Rytter A, Szyniarowski P, Høyer-Hansen M, Povlsen LK, Nylandsted J, Larsen JE, Jäättelä M. BAMLET activates a lysosomal cell death program in cancer cells. Mol Cancer Ther 9:24-34, 2010 

Cardoso CMP, Groth-Pedersen L, Høyer-Hansen M, Kirkegaard T, Corcelle E, Andersen JS, Jäättelä M*, Nylandsted J*. Depletion of Kinesin 5B affects lysosomal distribution and stability and induces peri-nuclear accumulation of autophagosomes in cancer cells. PLoS One 4:e4424, 2009 

Grønbæk K, Jäättelä M. Engaging the lysosomal compartment to combat B-cell malignancies. J Clin Invest 119:2133-2136, 2009 

Kirkegaard-Sørensen T, Jäättelä M. Lysosomal Involvement in Cell Death and Cancer. BBA - Molecular Cell Research 1793:746-754, 2009 

Parry MJ, Alakoskela J-MI, Khandelia H, Kumar SA, Jäättelä M, Mahalka A, Kinnunen PKJ. High affinity small molecule-phospholipid complex formation: binding of siramesine to phosphatidic acid. J Am Chem Soc 130: 12953-12960, 2008 

*Fehrenbacher N, Bastholm B, Kirkegaard–Sørensen T, Rafn B, Bøttzauw T, Nielsen C, Weber E, Shirasawa S, Kallunki T, Jäättelä M. Sensitization to the lysosomal cell death pathway by oncogene-induced down-regulation of lysosomal membrane-associated proteins 1 and 2. Cancer Res 68:6623-6633, 2008 

*Ostenfeld MS, Høyer-Hansen M, Bastholm L, Fehrenbacher N, Olsen OD, Puustinen P, Kirkegaard-Sørensen T, Nylandsted J, Farkas T, Jäättelä M. Anti-cancer agent siramesine is a lysosomotropic detergent that induces cytoprotective autophagosome accumulation. Autophagy 4:487-499, 2008 

Daugaard M, Rohde M, Jäättelä M. The heat shock protein 70 family: Highly homologous proteins with overlapping and distinct functions. FEBS Lett 581:3702-3710, 2007 

Daugaard M, Kirkegaard-Sørensen T, Ostenfeld MS, Aaboe M, Høyer-Hansen M, Ørntoft T, Rohde M, Jäättelä M. LEDGF is an Hsp70-2-regulated guardian of lysosomal stability in human cancer. Cancer Res 67: 2559-2567, 2007 

*Groth-Pedersen L, Ostenfeld MS, Høyer-Hansen M, Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Vincristine induces dramatic changes in the lysosomal compartment and sensitizes cancer cells to lysosome destabilizing siramesine. Cancer Res 67:2217-2225, 2007 

Gyrd-Hansen M, Farkas T, Fehrenbacher N, Bastholm L, Høyer-Hansen M, Elling M, Wallach D, Flavell R, Kroemer G, Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Apoptosome-independent activation of lysosomal cell death pathway by caspase-9. Mol Cell Biol 26:7880-7891, 2006 

*Ostenfeld MS, Fehrenbacher N, Høyer-Hansen M, Thomsen C, Farkas T, Jäättelä M. Effective tumor cell death by sigma-2 receptor ligand siramesine involves lysosomal leakage and oxidative stress. Cancer Res 65:8975-8983, 2005 

Høyer-Hansen M, Bastholm L, Mathiasen IS, Elling F, Jäättelä M. Vitamin D analogue EB1089 triggers dramatic lysosomal changes and Beclin 1-mediated autophagic cell death. Cell Death Diff 12:1297-1307, 2005 

*Rohde M, Daugaard M, Jensen MH, Helin K, Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Members of the heat shock protein 70 family promote cancer cell growth by distinct mechanisms. Genes Dev 19:570-582, 2005 

*Kroemer G, Jäättelä M. Lysosomes and autophagy in cell death control. Nature Rev Cancer 5:886-897, 2005 

*Fehrenbacher N, Jäättelä M. Lysosomes as targets for cancer therapy. Cancer Res 65:2996-2998, 2005 

Gyrd-Hansen M, Nylandsted J, Jäättelä M. Heat shock protein 70 promotes cancer cell viability by safeguarding lysosomal integrity. Cell Cycle 3:1484-1485, 2004 

*Nylandsted J, Gyrd-Hansen M, Danielewicz A, Fehrenbacher N, Høyer-Hansen M, Lademann U, Weber E, Multhoff G, Rohde M, Jäättelä M. Hsp70 promotes cell survival by inhibiting lysosomal membrane permeabilization. J Exp Med 200:425-435, 2004 

*Fehrenbacher N, Gyrd-Hansen M, Poulsen B, Felbor U, Kallunki T, Boes M, Weber, E, Leist M, Jäättelä M. Sensitization to the lysosomal death pathway upon immortalization and transformation. Cancer Res 64:5301-5310, 2004 

Jäättelä M, Tschopp J. Caspase-independent cell death in T lymphocytes. Nature Immunol 4:416-23, 2003 

Nylandsted J, Wick W, Hirt U, Brand K, Rohde M, Leist M, Weller M, Jäättelä M. Eradication of glioblastoma and breast and colon carcinoma xenografts by Hsp70 depletion. Cancer Res 62: 7139-7142, 2002 

Foghsgaard L, Lademann U, Wissing D, Poulsen B, Jäättelä M. Cathepsin B mediates tumor necrosis factor-induced arachidonic acid release in tumor cells. J Biol Chem 277:39499-39506, 2002 

Mathiasen IS, Jäättelä M. Targeting caspase-independent cell death pathways to combat cancer. Trends Mol Med 8:212-220, 2002 

*Leist M, Jäättelä M. Four deaths and a funeral: from caspases to alternative mechanisms. Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol 2: 589-598, 2001 

*Foghsgaard L, Wissing D, Mauch D, Lademann U, Boes M, Bastholm L, Elling F, Leist M, Jäättelä M. Cathepsin B acts as a dominant execution protease in tumor cell apoptosis induced by tumor necrosis factor. J Cell Biol 153: 999-1109, 2001 

*Nylandsted J, Rohde M, Brand K, Bastholm L, Elling F, Jäättelä M. Selective depletion of Hsp70 activates a tumor-specific death program that is independent of caspases and bypasses Bcl-2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97:7871-7876, 2000